Looking for a unique last minute gift for someone special?

Consider a life changing Feng Shui consultation package with Enlightened Living Spaces. Shift the energy in your home or office to allow all the good that life has to offer you and your family.

This is for you if:

  • You’re experiencing health problems.

  • You’re in need of more money or a career shift.

  • You’re looking for a new love relationship or to deepen your existing relationships.

Allow Feng Shui to improve your life by experiencing

  • Improved sleep and vibrant health

  • Financial flow towards freedom

  • A love that you never had before

Holiday Special Offer

Right now until the end of the year, I am offering a few spots at a reduced rate for my Ruby and Emerald Packages.
Special promotional price is $1144.00 (Regular price is $1290.00. Enjoy a $146 savings)

Click here to purchase and for more information

Give the gift of an Interior Design consultation

You choose the number of hours you would like to give to be applied towards an interior design service and make their gift one they'll truly be thankful for.

Click here to purchase


Feng Shui the Winter Blues Away


Numbers and Angels and Airplanes Oh My!