Bring Your Home Back to Its Natural State

Do you ever feel like you just can’t wait to get outside, take a deep breath and decompress? When I spend too much time in front of the computer during the work day, I take frequent outdoor breaks to recharge myself. Nature helps me reset my energy and I feel more focused when I come back inside.

Now that spring is here hopefully you are enjoying more time outdoors. Whether you feel drawn to the beauty of a local park, the woods, mountains, lakes or ocean, nature’s healing gift uplifts us and its transformative power provides a sense of vibrancy, health and happiness. Now wouldn’t that be nice if we could have that same feeling inside our homes? Most of nature is uplifting and healthy however there are areas that aren’t quite so enhancing. You might see signs of these areas where nothing seems to grow, trees grow sideways or insects congregate. Unfortunately, these subtle fields of draining energy are invisible and don’t always show signs of their presence, and can right under your home or office building. My clients often have a sense of where they feel best in their homes and where they do not. For some reason, they tend to avoid certain areas and this could be their innate sense that these areas drain their energy field. If they happen to position their bed, desk, or main seating area in one of these depleting spaces, it can, over time challenge their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These disturbed energy fields can weaken their immune systems and make them feel tired, stressed and lead to sickness and depression. When I work with my clients for a Feng Shui consultation I like to start with space clearing and dowsing of their home and land. I equate it to first washing a dirty shirt (dowsing/space clearing), and then putting the clean shirt on and adding jewelry and perfume at the end (Feng Shui). The energy of your home benefits from this kind of clearing before you add the layers of Feng Shui. Dowsing makes your Feng Shui more efficient. Whether you’re interested in Feng Shui or not, I recommend dowsing and space clearing to everyone’s living and working environment. Enter Dowsing to the Rescue. Today, dowsing is widely used in the practice of Feng Shui to locate and cure subtle energies that disrupt the natural harmonious flow in your home, and to increase your sense of well-being and raise the energy in your environment. A dowser uses a variety of cures, including activated copper sticks that are comprised to cure specific energetic disturbances that drain your energy. What exactly is Dowsing? This ancient divining art has been traced back to Egyptian times and its use has been documented in China, India and Germany to locate water and mineral deposits throughout ancient civilization. More recently, dowsing was used to locate petroleum and underground tunnels during the Vietnam war. What kind of energy affects our homes?

  1. Disturbed energy in the earth called geopathic stress interrupts nature’s healthy flow and is caused by underground water, fault lines or where adjoining soils differ. Unfortunately, many homes are built over geopathic stress lines. Noticeable signs of this earth illness are found where trees grow on an angle, on the path that ants march, where ant hills or wasp nests are located and where trees or plants never seem to thrive and die.

  2. Hartmann and Curry Lines run on a specific directional grid pattern of the earth’s magnetic field. These lines are harmless until they connect with an electrical line within a framed structure, at which point they can turn detrimental and need to be cured. These lines run anywhere from 6’ to 11’ apart, and are very common within a home structure.

  3. A dowser will also cure electromagnetic fields of human technology which cause lines of interference within our homes and buildings. Once inside these energies bounce around the walls with no way out. This energy come from power distribution networks, appliances, cell towers, satellite dishes to name a few. Our homes can be affected by these fields of energy from miles away.

  4. Energetic frequencies caused by high levels of emotional stress can also be created by ourselves or left by others in your environment. These emotional scars cause distortions and can impact those in that environment. These frequencies range from issues of depression, divorce, illness, effecting finances, health and relationships.

  5. The ancient sites such as Stonehenge, the Great Wall of China, and Machu Picchu are said to be built on naturally occurring ley lines. There are also areas on the earth where two ley lines intersect at a 90-degree angle and create an upward clockwise spiral of energy creating a positive vortex of energy. If you are lucky enough to have a positive vortex in your home or on your land, you’ll get an extra boost from it. It is often a place where people are drawn to. Dogs love them, cats avoid them.

When two ley lines cross at less than a 90 degree it creates a negative vortex that creates a downward counterclockwise spiral. Such energy can weaken our immune systems, and cause anger, arguments and even violence. Negative energy is drawn towards it. These can be neutralized or turned into a positive vortex for uplifting energy. Cats are often drawn to the energy of a negative vortex. It’s one of their gifts to soak up the negativity for us and then shake it off. What are the possible benefits of dowsing?A dowsed home enhances the energy level in your living environment and increases your sense of harmony and well-being.  Some of the wonderful side effects of dowsing can include, a deeper sense of calm, feeling more focused and energized, sleeping more deeply, better communication, increase in prosperity and decrease in insect infestation. Other Benefits If you’re looking to sell your home or property consider having it dowsed first.  I have had wonderful success in helping clients sell their homes/businesses much faster after I have cleared the energy within their homes.  Click here to learn more. "Kristin did an energetic clearing and Feng Shui release of our home three months before we put it on the market. Right away I noticed a difference–the energy felt lighter, brighter, and more positive. We found it easier to let go of our old house and look forward to our new house. Then we listed the property, and we got a contract after three days! Then we had another stucco inspection done, and there was only one thing that needed to be fixed. I am absolutely amazed. I definitely recommend working with Kristin if you want to change the energy in your home and/or get it ready for selling. Thank you, Kristin!” -Ellen D, Landenberg, PA. If you are suffering from sleeping issues, extra stress or illness, and have done your due diligence and still can’t figure it out, you might want to consider working with a dowser to see if this may be a missing piece of the puzzle for you.


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