Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.....
What are you reflecting? How to use Mirrors in Feng Shui
How often have you hung a mirror without thinking about the significance of what it’s reflecting? Often, we hang mirrors in convenient places without more thought than to check out our own reflection or creating a decorative accent. But did you know that placing mirrors with specific intention in your home can have a positive impact in your life? Mirrors become a virtual window on an otherwise solid wall; opening another vista for your eyes and symbolically opening your surroundings to new possibilities in your life.
In Feng Shui, mirrors are powerful tools that can be used to activate and duplicate good energy. They can be used to reflect lovely views within your home, expand your environment and bring more light into a room that’s otherwise small, confined or dark. Conversely, they can be used as a remedy to deflect or absorb something with negative energy or Sha Qi, within the architectural features of a home.
Mirrors with a flat shape placed inside the home are neutral and reflect both good and bad energy. They can be used to serve three different purposes including expansion, reflection and deflection. Here are a few tips to remember when choosing and placing your mirror.
Do not place a mirror reflecting a blank wall as it creates a sense of emptiness. Place an attractive item on the opposite wall to reflect in the mirror and duplicate its positive energy.
If placing mirror at eye level make sure you see your whole head and area above your head(aura field) otherwise you will feel cut off.
Do not place a mirror reflecting clutter or something you consider unattractive as it will duplicate whatever it reflects.
Mirrors should not be placed opposite of one another because it creates a sense of confusion and multiplies everything.
Do not use mirrors that have antiqued or distressed glass. It may create a foggy outlook on life, and block you from seeing clearly, decision-making, and having clarity.
Use a mirror that reflects the whole you. Do not use tiny mirrors or ones with small tiles or broken pieces, otherwise it can cause you to feel incomplete or broken up into pieces over time.
Place a mirror under an important object. A small mirror placed under an item symbolically doubles the power and efficacy of the object. For example, you can place a mirror under a religious symbol to amplify its power, or under your office phone to receive more calls.
Use mirror in a missing area of the bagua. Add a mirror facing inwards against the wall that defines the missing area to symbolically fill it in and expand the space.
Using Mirrors within the Rooms Your Home
Foyer: The best placement for a mirror is on a wall perpendicular to your front door, to create the illusion of a wider space. Try not to place a mirror opposite the front door, as it may push good Qi, such as abundance and opportunity, out of your home.
Bathroom: These rooms are a literal and figurative drain within the home. If the bathroom is in plain sight of the front door, kitchen or other major living areas, shut its door and place a mirror on the outside wall next to the bathroom door or door itself to reflect the rest of the house.
Hallways: Do place mirrors on the sides of long or narrow hallways to widen the space and draw the eye away from its length. Do not place a mirror at the end of a long hallway. It will double its length and cause anxiety and can cause intestinal problems.
Using Mirrors Outside of Your Home
You can use mirrors on the exterior of your home to deflect or absorb Sha Qi, or negative energy that is being directed towards it. In general, it is better to absorb and neutralize Sha Qi then to deflect it because the mirror creates a constant reflection of unfavorable energy and can affect the surrounding area that is being reflected.
A concave mirror can be hung outside the front door to neutralize an obstacle such as a large tree or telephone pole blocking your front door, or a landscape feature such as a cliff, steep hill or mountain that is directed towards your home.
If a home is located at the end of a t-intersection a concave mirror can absorb the harsh energy being directed at the house from the cars pointing towards it. It can also be placed to absorb the energy of a sharp point known as a poison arrow that comes from another building or obstruction that directs a sharp point towards your home.
As mentioned above, this cure should be used with care, as you don’t want to spread or reflect negativity and have it multiply. Using positive intention while placing a convex mirror is helpful in this case. Hang the mirror and use a positive intention such as, “I bless you and release you to your own highest good. And away from me and mine.”