My Transformational Journey with The Sophia Code and Why I am Inspired to Share this Codex with Others
Growing up Christian, I did not have a personal relationship with feminine ascended masters, nor did I really understand the feminine side of God. I had no relationship with Mother Mary or Mary Magdalene with whom I associated with Catholicism. Isis, Hathor, Green Tara, Quan Yin were not even on my radar and made me think of other Gods that were forbidden outside of my religion. Dragons, well let’s face it, were completely out of the question!
My religious upbringing taught me to honor the patriarchal Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Where was the Divine Mother in religion? It never even crossed my mind.
Over the years, I moved away from religion and became intrigued by the divine feminine movement. I pilgrimaged through Ireland and England and connected with Celtic goddesses. However, I still didn’t understand or feel the connection to the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness.
The Divine Feminine Masters in The Sophia Code united me with the Feminine Christ Consciousness within myself. The exploration of each mentor provided a refreshing perspective free of dogma and doctrines. The loving feminine principles of nurturance, intuition, and self-forgiveness became my model of awakening the Christ Consciousness within. I unraveled so many belief systems that were deeply rooted in the patriarchal programming. Reading the first chapter of each ascended master allowed me to relate to their human experience and develop a personal relationship with each one who mirrored the way for me. They became my loving expanders and I realized I too had access to the same transformation and sovereign power as they did as humans. Their loving support made it possible for me to believe in myself and I enjoyed creating relationships with each of them.
The beautiful thing is that this codex does not exclude the masculine in anyway. How can we exist without the balance of masculine and feminine qualities within ourselves? The yin and the yang are interdependent on one another and both qualities exist within us whether we are male or female. When either is out of balance it turns into the wounded masculine or wounded feminine. This codex lovingly speaks to the tender parts of ourselves that have been hardened by centuries of imbalanced patriarchal structure. The gentle yet firm feminine aspect allows us to heal those deep soul wounds that have impacted both women and men.
Mother Mary became one of my first favorites as I would call upon her incredible loving motherly support to help soothe my pain body and judgements about myself. At times when I would fall back into negative self-defeating thoughts, I would call on Mother Mary to love up on those wounded aspects of my ego. Her undeniable self-compassion and motherly love helped me soothe the bitterness of my judgements and transition quickly instead of what used to take me down the rabbit hole.
I have deep respect for Mary Magdalene and how she was able to lead in a time that the feminine was not honored. Her sense of refinement, professionalism and the beauty way reminds me how I love to make things beautiful and show up in the most professional way. She taught me that I am an angel on earth and to embrace all my feelings and use the power of Kali-Ma to transform rage into love.
Quan Yin helped me release deep shame and connect me to the innocence and wisdom of my Phoenix child. I have personally struggled with deep pain around innocence. I felt inspired by her story that if she could reconcile all that was done to her surely, I could. Regaining the understanding of my innocence has by far one of the biggest gifts I have accessed through this teaching. Connecting with my inner child has been another gift. I didn’t recognize that aspect of myself as something that needed tending to on a regular basis. I have learned to self-parent and look upon myself with great compassion through the teaching of Quan Yin. Now, time out for fun, play and listening to my inner child’s wisdom has opened a new way of honoring myself.
I have leaned on White Buffalo Woman to blaze the path ahead of me when I have felt fearful or uncertain and allow my highest self and Sophia to do the heavy lifting for me.
I have learned the importance of self-disapline, structures, boundaries and radical self-love. I have observed when I was acting like a spiritual infant and how important it is to learn to master myself repeatedly. I have learned how unworthiness has been a big part of why I haven’t wanted to take on this role for myself and to be seen. How co-dependency has also stopped me in my tracks as being seen as a leader if I was to be judged by others. I have learned to show up even as I am a work in progress. I have learned that I am imperfectly perfect and that is the beauty of the thorn within the rose. To embrace all of me. It’s so freeing! Divine Sovereignty is the ticket to my life’s course.
Right now so many souls who are waking up and are looking for a deeper connection with themselves and their connection to Source. It is a privilege to lead Sophia Circle Journeys® and is by far the biggest honor in my lifetime to be able to witness others waking up to their own sovereign divinity all while blessing myself. Together we work as one body of Christ. One for all and all for one!
My next Sophia Circle Journey® starts Jan. 4th 2023 and there is still room available. Please click this link to learn more.