Welcome Wealth: 4 Feng Shui Tips That Can Boost Your Prosperity
Your home is your haven that protects and nurtures you, and it is also the vessel that can attract wealth into your life. You are its master, and you can design it to attract more money and prosperity with Feng Shui. Feng Shui is the Chinese practice that relates the flow of energy to spatial arrangement. It is believed that our spaces and the objects inside them have energy, just as we do, and we can guide that energy to align with our energy and desires by practicing Feng Shui. The following steps can help boost your wealth by giving you a spatial support system to attract the energy of money.
STEP 1.AMP UP THE 4 PORTALS OF WEALTH ENERGY IN YOUR HOMEYour bedroom has a huge impact on how you attract money in your life. Position your bed in the command position, where you have a view of the door from the bed but aren’t in direct line with the door. • Remove clutter, including under your bed. • Remove electronics. • Add black out window treatments to block the light.Your kitchen represents abundance and nourishment. Keep clean and clutter free, remove stale food. • Maintain all stove burners in working order; this is a direct reflection of how you nourish your family with abundance. • Add a small mirror to the backsplash if your back is facing the kitchen while standing at the stove. This will allow you to see behind you. • Add fresh flowers and a bowl of fresh fruit on your countertop. • Remove chipped plates or cups - this is broken energy.Your front door is where all the opportunity comes into your home. Allow a clear outside view to the front door; remove vegetation that is overgrown or dead. • Keep clean, well lit, and welcoming; add a door mat that states “Welcome.” • Add potted flowers to attract the eye to the front door. • Keep everything in working order, and remove any tripping hazards or worn out walkways or railings.Your home office is the center of your wealth aspirations. Put your desk in the command position so that you can see the door from where you sit, but are not directly in line with the door. • Remove clutter and anything that is not related to your success and is distracting you from making money. • Add décor and visual images that inspire you to succeed. • Create a vision board with images of what wealth means to you. Add your logo, business card, business strategies, etc.
STEP 2.KEEP YOUR HOME IN TIP-TOP SHAPERemove clutter and organize your space. Start with the areas where you spend the most time.Replace dead batteries in all of your clocks.Replace any burnt out light bulbs throughout the house.Fix anything that is broken, and replace anything that is worn or not working properly.Fix any leaks - water is related to money in Feng Shui, and leaks represent money draining away.
STEP 3.FIND THE DIRECTIONS IN YOUR HOME THAT SUPPORT YOUR FINANCESThere are four main directions of your home that support your wealth:North - Career Southeast - Abundance and Prosperity South - Reputation and Fame Northwest - Helpful People & TravelTo locate these directions in your home, grab your smart phone and use a compass app. Stand outside your front door with your back facing the house. The direction at the top of your compass is the front of your house and the direction on the bottom is the back of your house.Divide your home into nine equal sections and place each direction on your floor plan. Now you can locate the four areas that affect your wealth. Keep these areas clutter free. Add décor and positive affirmations that represents the qualities of these aspirations in each of these directions.
STEP 4. YOU HOUSE THE THOUGHTS THAT ATTRACT OR REPEL ABUNDANCEThoughts and belief systems about money are formed very early in life by our parents, teachers, and society. If you were exposed to negative beliefs around money, the program running your subconscious mind can sabotage your attempt to becoming wealthy. What stories do you tell yourself about money? Do you feel worthy to have a lot of money? Did you hear it’s the root of all evil? Or that rich people are greedy and selfish? It’s time to reprogram your thoughts to align with abundance.Observe your thinking. Your thoughts become things. What do you want to create? Don’t give your power away to lack mentality.Connect to the infinite supply and abundance of the universe. The more you focus on abundance, the more the universe paves the way in that direction.Realize that having a base of wealth allows you to freely give the gifts with which you were endowed.Practice gratitude for the abundance you have now.It’s one of the fastest ways to change your thoughts and attract more of the good stuff in life.Write affirmations in present tense as if you have wealth now. Act as if you do: Buy yourself fresh flowers, open that expensive bottle of champagne you’ve been saving for a special occasion, plan your vacation for next year, treat yourself to a nice dinner out.When you understand the connection between your environment and your inner desires, you have more control to steer your destiny in the direction you wish. Use these four steps to navigate your way to attracting more prosperity into your life. You may be surprised how much more comes your way.