Mimic the Rhythms of Nature in Your Home to Bring Well-Being into Your Life

According to the EPA the average American spends up to 93% indoors. 87% spent inside and the other 6% in vehicles. This sobering statistic is more than enough reason to bring nature inside to help us connect and feel her healthy embrace. When we are surrounded by nature we feel more whole, balanced and inspired.

Imagine standing in a field surrounded by woods and a babbling creek on a warm sunny autumn morning. You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and look up at the sky and observe the gentle shifting of the white clouds against the blue sky. You notice the subtle change in shadows and patterns cast by the foliage and land formations as the sunlight moves with time.

You observe the soft sway of golden grasses and amber and brown leaves blowing in the wind and the gentle movement of dark blue water of the babbling creek and the soothing sounds that accompany it. You see a flock of birds flying by in perfect formation and the gentle breezy flight of a lingering butterfly.

You take a deep breath in and sigh feeling calm, relaxed and one with the great outdoors. The energy of nature is in a constant state of movement, flow and balance. Nature is not static and our homes should not be either.

The ancient masters of Feng Shui observed these natural rhythms and harnessed their energies to create harmony in their living environments. We can use the art of Feng Shui to mimic the rhythm and movement of nature inside our homes, so we can live in an environment that brings us a sense of peace, balance and well being.

Follow these simple tips to capture the harmony of nature’s elements to flow inside your home.

Tip #1: Monitor lighting to create coziness and be in sync with the circadian rhythm

Greet a new day!
  • Open window treatments during the day to allow natural light into the home. The energy of the space is cleared when the sunlight fills it. A room left in darkness leaves the space lifeless, as if in an eternal nighttime.

  • Add timers to lights especially in rooms that aren’t being used. This allows the empty rooms to come to life at nighttime and creates a depth of field and coziness in your home.

  • Add dimmers to lights, so as the natural light starts to fade the your lighting follows suit.  There’s nothing worse than walking into a home at night that has all the lights on full blast.

  • Use f.lux app for your computers and night time setting on your phone to mimic the amber lighting of nighttime to cancel out the blue light that can disrupt your circadian rhythm of sleep.

Tip#2: Improve your indoor air quality

  • Open your windows as much as possible to get fresh air. Allow the movement of air to flow through your home.

  • Choose materials that are green and natural. Opt for wood, brick, ceramic or stone floors, wool carpets, non VOC- paint for walls. Choose furniture made of out wood, iron and stone and fabrics made from cotton, linen, silk and wool. Avoid synthetic materials as much as possible.

  • Use plants that purify the air.

  • Get rid of artificial air fresheners and diffuse essential oils instead.

  • Light salt lamps and burn beeswax candles that naturally clean the air and emit negative ions.

  • Use natural cleaners that are free of toxic chemicals.

  • Use air purifiers and change your filters in your air handlers regularly.

  • Click herefor a helpful resource on air purifiers

 Tip #3: Create Movement and Sound

chimes hanging in the window

Have you noticed how some people keep television on all day just to see the movement on the screen or hear the noise in the background? Instead opt for:

  • hanging mobiles or chimes to create movement, sound and visual interest.

  • water fountains or aquariums to bring the beauty of water into your home. It is not only soothing in movement but also in sound.

  • solar powered wind chimes to add sound in the background.

  • adding an architectural screen at the window to capture the comforting pattern of shadows coming through a window as daylight passes during the day.

  • play your favorite music or nature sounds to raise the vibration of your home.

Tip#4: Accessorize and Energize With the 5 Elements


Bring the elements of nature indoors and enjoy the contrast that each provides to create a balanced environment.

  • Wood energy: Plants, wood furniture and accessories, floral or striped prints, cotton, linen fabrics. The columnar, tall, vertical shape of wood brings in upward growth, and motivating and uplifting chi.

  • Earth energy: Granite, tile, terracotta, ceramics, crystals, stones, sand, images of earthy landscapes. The square, rectangular, low, flat shape of earth energy is grounding and adds stability.

  • Fire element: Candles, fireplace, lighting, images of the sun or fire, wool, leather, animals. The pointed, diamond, pyramidal, triangular patterns of fire energize, expand and attract.

  • Metal element: Metal art, sculpture, reflective items or metal furniture. The oval, round and arched shape of metal keeps things refined and controlled.

  • Water element. Water fountain or fish bowl and images of water. The wavy or irregular patterns of water are associated with flow in life and in finances.

Tip#5: Use colors inspired by nature and connect to its energy


Color can make all the difference in the feel of a space and you can harness its energy to inspire and nurture you.

  • Green tones are associated with wood energy. Green is about growth and healing.

  • Blues are associated with water. Create a calming, renewing feel.

  • Reds, oranges, and purple tones are associated with fire. Add excitement and attention.

  • Yellows,browns, earthy tones add the element of stability and groundedness.

  • Metallic silver, bronze, gold tones and white connect to the element of metal. Its energy is productive for mental processes, gathering activities, and communication.

Tip#6: Decorate according to each season


Swap out decorations to celebrate the shifts in each season. Changing the decorations within our homes keeps our environments from becoming too static and keeps us consciously connected to the cycles of seasons.

Change your warm weather wreaths, tablecloths, candles, seasonal accessories, bedding, accent pillows, and window treatments with your cooler weather decor.

Follow these simple tips to transform your home into a place where you and your family thrive and experience a greater sense of peace and well being compliments of Mother Nature.

Make a conscious effort to spend more time outdoors to renew and inspire you to bring more of her beauty and wellness into your home.


Feng Shui your home for the holidays


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