Loving Yourself…Loving Your Home. How to Activate More Love in Your Life!
February is all about love and relationships. But instead of writing about the typical “Valentine’s Hallmark Romantic Love”, I’d like to focus on your loving relationship with yourself and your environment.
I’m going to be very honest with you. I’ve had a love-hate relationship with myself for many years of my life. It’s not a judgement, it's just an observation and I’m totally okay to admit it. I experienced years of darkness after a post-partum depression and I got very familiar with my dark side. My shadow brought me into the bowels of darkness, and anytime I resisted it got darker. I had to learn the art of surrender, compassion, and forgiveness over and over for myself. I had to master how to make friends with my shadow side. And as I did, Grace replaced hardship and I was blessed with a depth of a love and compassion not only for myself but of others. Everything in my life improved from my relationships, to my health and my career. For me, being authentic through vulnerability equals freedom.
Everything in this universe stems from love and human behavior is either love or a call for love. It’s an incredibly beautiful and simple way to observe life and takes a tremendous amount of awareness to remember this simple truth. When you consciously observe life from this perspective it opens your world to a whole new light. And when you get right down to it that is what you are. A Light Being of the Divine Love, temporarily here in a physical body. It’s your resistance to this truth that keeps you in the dark.
When you start with loving yourself you can fully love others. Your life expands beyond all measure, and you become free. I challenge you to go deeper and be real with yourself. Where in your life are you not loving yourself? Are you doing what you love? Where do you play small? What mask do you wear? Who do you judge or condemn? What do you say to yourself on a continual basis? Where do you sabotage yourself? What do you need to shift in-order to love yourself more fully? Get real!
The trick to turning around self-condemnation is to observe yourself with compassion and love without judgement. It’s an art of becoming conscious. If you start to judge or criticize yourself, STOP. Observe and send love to yourself as if you’re giving a hug to a lost child. Because at that moment, at that VERY moment.... you need LOVE more than anything else. Tell yourself, “Even though I x, y, z… I am willing to love myself anyway. Be a gentle warrior of compassion for yourself and others, and soon you will shift your consciousness towards loving yourself and loving your life.
Feng Shui has been a way for me to heal my shadow and to love and nurture myself. It has opened my eyes to a broader vision for my life and showed me ways to consciously design my environment and life from my deepest desires and intentions to advance my dreams and succeed. Using Feng Shui is a sign of love for yourself and your family. I’d like to share some a few Feng Shui tips to activate more love into your environment.
Do yourself a favor and do some decluttering. Release things in your life that you don’t love anymore and only surround yourself with things that you do. The stuff you don’t love is someone else’s treasure. Win-Win!!
Love yourself by hiring someone to clean your home. The extra money you spend, you’ll earn back by attracting healthy abundant chi in your environment.
The Relationship star is in the Northeast this year. It supports love and relationships. Add a water feature or blue accessory or a green flowering plant in this area of your home.
Love yourself with more abundance. The Abundance star of new beginnings and new cash flow enters the center of your space this year. Activate it with a bubbling fountain, or an image of a moving water.
The conflict star is in the West of the environment this year. Avoid conflict by adding a golden laughing Buddha or anything that makes you laugh or add something in the red family like pair of two red hearts. Do things in pairs not in triples.
The Southwest area of your home represents love and marriage. Add anything in pairs that represent love, like rose quartz or hearts. This year, the frustration star visits this area of your environment. Cure frustration by placing a bowl of still water with sea salt with 2 stones in it or an image of a lake or pond in this area of your home or office.
During Meditation or in prayer image the color rose. It is the color and frequency of unconditional love and support. Send rose light to yourself and to all others who need love and support in the world.
Place a rose quartz in your pocket or wear a rose quartz necklace to open your heart chakra.
Write intentions for your loving yourself more. Go into detail in every aspect of yourself that you desire. Find images that represent those qualities and place on a vision board where you can see it every day.
May you be filled with so much love that it overflows from your essence into everyone that crosses your path. May you attract all the love you desire and all your actions be love in motion.