The Chaos of Clutter
5 Helpful Tips to Declutter and Regain Peace and Order in Your Life
Do you remember how you felt the first time you opened the door into your new home? Everything seemed fresh and clean; with open space everywhere, you felt a sense of excitement of unlimited possibilities that filled the air. Now, fast forward to today. How is your home organized now? How do you feel once you step inside? Does it still offer you a sense of order, spaciousness, and inspiration, or does it leave you feeling overwhelmed and weighed down with too much stuff?
Clutter can put a serious damper on your life, as it drains your energy or takes the bounce out of your step. Seeing clutter impacts your subconscious mind and sends a message of chaos to the universe on your behalf. It weakens your clarity and impairs your ability to move forward; in a sense, clutter can leave you stuck in the past. Its dense energy fosters an unhealthy lifestyle that can lead to weight gain, stress and unhappiness. Clutter creates blocks to new ideas and opportunities, reaching all arenas of your life. This can include your health, your finances and your relationships.
I’d like to share some useful de-cluttering tips with you to help you regain a fresh start and create a sense of order in your home and in your life.
Tip #1: Where is the best place to store my extra stuff, and where should I avoid?
Since the basement represents the past, it’s better to store things here than anywhere else in the home. Keep in mind that too much storage in the basement can keep you stuck in the past, as it signifies your emphasis to retain relics from previous years.
Your main living area, including first and second floors of a home, represents your present state of mind. Holding onto too much clutter in this area ultimately impacts your day-to-day life, affecting your mind, body and spirit.
The attic represents your future. It’s best not to have excess storage items in the attic, as it can stifle your future endeavors and affect future generations to come. If possible, avoid placing storage above your bedroom and main family room, as these are places to relax and recharge.
Tip #2: I have a really busy schedule- is there a quick way to start de-cluttering?
If you don’t have a lot of time to devote to de-cluttering, start by putting your clutter in closed spaces, such as boxes covered with a pretty fabric. Though this is a good short-term fix, this shouldn’t give you the green light to place your clutter in boxes and forget about it. You will eventually need to make the time to dig in to really change your life. Temporarily covering your clutter allows your subconscious mind to relax and tap into order that you’ll need later.

Tip #3: Which room do I start with?
Always start with your foyer. The front door is considered the starting point, or the mouth of Chi where all opportunity enters your home. Throughout your home, when Chi comes in contact with clutter, dirt and disorganization, it will affect the healthy flow of energy entering your home, thus creating roadblocks to your prosperity and happiness.
Remove anything that keeps the door from fully opening.
Store coats and shoes out of view in a closet.
Remove any trash or trashcans in this area. This creates a low vibrational energy by keeping your waste visible.
Ensure any furniture in your foyer is not the hub for miscellaneous items; if you have a “junk” drawer, make sure it’s kept elsewhere.
Be mindful of mirror placement and what it reflects. Mirrors double everything, including clutter and chaos.
Tip# 4: What’s my next Priority?The rooms where you spend the most time and clutter affects you the most is your next priority. You pick!
Bedroom - An organized bedroom allows for a better night sleep. Piles of stuff not put away sends a message of “work to do” and creates a sense of unfinished business and restless sleep.
Remove anything from under your bed, as it blocks the energy around you and affects your health and sleep.
Minimize storing items and books on your nightstand. Books and the information they contain can impact your subconscious mind.
Remove dirty clothes off the floor and store in laundry bins; storing them in a closet, out of sight, is best. This includes clean clothes not yet put away.
Keeping your furniture surfaces free of excessive décor and clutter is best.
Kitchen - A clean organized kitchen is a must, since it directly affects your health and your prosperity. Considering your kitchen is where you cook meals and eat, it produces nourishment for you and your family. Keep your countertops as open and spacious as possible. Open space represents opportunity.
Only place the appliances that are used on a daily basis on your countertop. If your kitchen is small, consider buying covers for these appliances to blend into the background.
Narrow down your use of your favorite cooking items and give the rest away. This can include knives, serving dishes and cook books.
Throw out anything that is broken or chipped, or has missing lids.
Clean out your refrigerator and freezer, making sure to get rid of spices older than a year. Check expiration dates of your stored food. Old expired food holds a low vibration.
Remove debris on the outside of refrigerator, including magnets, pictures and notes. The freezing energy of a refrigerator is not a good place for photos of your loved ones.
Office - An organized office allows for creativity, flow of ideas and success.
Make a general assessment of your office and remove anything that doesn’t support you for the success in your business. This includes old files, old business cards, old books, keepsakes that you don’t like, and anything that is broken. In your home office, remove anything that is distracting you from working.
Spend time each day deleting unnecessary information on your computer and sort important files.
At the end of each day clear off your desk. It allows a much better start to the following day.
Family Room – A gathering room free of clutter allows you to unwind, rest, and enjoy relaxation.
Remove excessive furniture or décor.
Keep childrens’ toys in organized bins, remove dirty plates and dishes, fold up blankets, fluff up your sofa and remove stacks of magazines or books.
Buy furniture with storage like ottomans with lids, tables with drawers, chests for toys and blankets, bookcases for books and décor.
Tip #5: I’ve removed my clutter; what do I do next?
Once you’ve removed unnecessary objects, do a physical cleaning of your space, followed by an energetic cleaning. This removes not only the dirt and grime, but the energetic vibration that has been absorbed in your home from the density, dirt and emotions that may be lingering in the space.
Wash everything with lavender soap, or water with drops lavender oil in it. Lavender is a centuries-old essence that cleans and uplifts both the physical and the etheric field of your space.
Smudge your rooms with sage or incense (fire element) and/or use bells (sound) to clear the space.
Say a prayer to release anything that has been holding you back and create new positive intentions for yourself and your family.
Image violet light washing through your home in every nook and cranny. This color helps release stuck energy and is the frequency of forgiveness.
Remember to be kind and patient with yourself as you go through the process of cleansing and simplifying your space. Reaching harmony by releasing items within your home is not a race; as you de-clutter each room, you will see how gratifying it is to “lighten your load”, both mentally and physically. The new sense of organization and order you feel will allow positive Chi to flow and ease into your life. Your home will serve as an inspiration to you to attract more positive opportunities in your life.